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Şirketin Yanıtı

10 Tem 2023

IKEA responded

Thank you for your correspondence.

We take the recent allegations against Mitie, who provide security services in our stores and car parks, very seriously. Our business has proactively led initiatives to support refugees over many years and hearing of these allegations levelled at our one our suppliers has been very concerning.

In the UK, IKEA has been working to create a positive change with and for refugees in our neighbourhoods, through a combination of local projects, donations and our own UPPNÅ Skills for Employment programme. This scheme has now supported 140 forcibly displaced people across the UK, providing an opportunity for refugees to enhance their employability and English language skills, while gaining valuable, paid work experience.

Across our supply chain, we work closely with all suppliers to ensure compliance across a range of measures. IWAY sets clear expectations and ways of working for environmental, social and working conditions, including around human rights and ethics. IWAY is mandatory for all suppliers and service providers that we work with, including Mitie.

In response to the campaign led by Women for Refugee Women, we have been in contact with Mitie regarding the alleged abuse of refugees and those seeking safety in detention centres run by them. We know that the issues highlighted here are serious, emotive, and complex, and we have given very careful consideration to the ask for IKEA UK to end our contract with them. We have received assurances that have satisfied our immediate concerns and are assured of the suitability of their processes and procedures when serious allegations are raised against individuals. It is clear that the work their colleagues undertake within the immigration detention estate is very sensitive, but we believe that they remain committed to high standards of care. As it stands today, we will continue our relationship with Mitie but will keep the situation under review.

Greater questions relating to the policies of immigration detention remain. These are set out and controlled by the Government and are ultimately the responsibility of the Home Office to answer. As IKEA, we will continue to take steps to support refugees and vulnerable people where we can, using our scale to drive positive change, including by working with suppliers.

Thank you for your recent correspondence, and the opportunity to respond.

Kind regards,

Peter Jelkeby

CEO and Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA UK and Ireland.

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