Indonesia: Delong Nickel accused of restricting workers' freedom through 'systematic wage withholding', arbitrary fines and sexual harassment
Date Reported: 16 May 2024
Lokasyon: Endonezya
Jiangsu Delong Nickel Industry Company Ltd. - Employer , PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) - Other Value Chain EntityEtkilenenler
Total individuals affected: Sayı bilinmiyor
Göçmen ve göçmen işçiler: ( Sayı bilinmiyor - Çin , Metaller ve çelik , Women , Documented migrants ) , Göçmen ve göçmen işçiler: ( Sayı bilinmiyor - Çin , Metaller ve çelik , Men , Documented migrants )Meseleler
Wage Theft , Gözdağı verme ve tehditler , Restricted mobility , İşe Alım Ücretleri , Irk/etnik/kast/köken ayrımcılığı , Contract Substitution , Cinsel tacizYanıt
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
External link to response: (Find out more)
Action taken: In a comment criticizing Delong for not matching its salary package with the recruitment website, Delong also made an "explanation", according to the article. It said, “Due to the different work content and workload of our different overseas departments and projects, there will be differences in wages. The positions in our other departments have been filled. The salary of the position in the department you applied for is slightly different, and the same workload is also different. Please understand.”
Source type: News outlet
Date Reported: 16 May 2024
Lokasyon: Endonezya
Jiangsu Delong Nickel Industry Company Ltd. - Other Value Chain EntityDiğer
Not Reported ( Metaller ve çelik ) - EmployerEtkilenenler
Total individuals affected: Sayı bilinmiyor
Göçmen ve göçmen işçiler: ( Sayı bilinmiyor - Çin , Metaller ve çelik , Men , Documented migrants )Meseleler
Gözdağı verme ve tehditler , İşe Alım Ücretleri , Wage Theft , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Yemek hakkıYanıt
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
External link to response: (Find out more)
Action taken: In a comment criticizing Delong for not matching its salary package with the recruitment website, Delong also made an "explanation", according to the article. It said, “Due to the different work content and workload of our different overseas departments and projects, there will be differences in wages. The positions in our other departments have been filled. The salary of the position in the department you applied for is slightly different, and the same workload is also different. Please understand.”
Source type: News outlet
Date Reported: 16 May 2024
Lokasyon: Endonezya
Jiangsu Delong Nickel Industry Company Ltd. - Employer , PT Obsidian Stainless Steel (OSS) - Other Value Chain EntityEtkilenenler
Total individuals affected: Sayı bilinmiyor
Göçmen ve göçmen işçiler: ( Sayı bilinmiyor - Çin , Metaller ve çelik , Men , Documented migrants )Meseleler
Wage TheftYanıt
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
External link to response: (Find out more)
Action taken: In a comment criticizing Delong for not matching its salary package with the recruitment website, Delong also made an "explanation", according to the article. It said, “Due to the different work content and workload of our different overseas departments and projects, there will be differences in wages. The positions in our other departments have been filled. The salary of the position in the department you applied for is slightly different, and the same workload is also different. Please understand.”
Source type: News outlet
[Summary translation from Chinese to English provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
Delong, a Chinese company operating nickel industrial parks in Sulawesi, Indonesia, has been accused of systematically withholding wages from its workers, including Chinese migrants, for at least five years since 2019. A video posted on Douyin (Chinese TikTok) in May 2024 alleges that Delong failed to pay wages on its Phase III construction project, reportedly the latest in a pattern of wage withholding from construction, steel, and power plant workers.
According to 2023 reports, Delong's Sulawesi operations employed over 40,000 workers, including nearly 5,000 Chinese migrants. Workers allege that Delong uses wage withholding as a means to control and trap them, as they cannot afford to leave without sacrificing months of unpaid salary. Compounding the abuse, workers report salaries lower than promised, arbitrary fines and deductions, poor living conditions, sexual harassment, and internal corruption.
When workers attempt to demand their pay, Delong managers and security personnel allegedly threaten them with jail time. One worker, Mr. K, described the experience as a scam, leaving workers with little after fines and unable to recoup recruitment fees. He has returned to China but is still trying to claim his unpaid wages.