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18 Nis 2023

Indonesia: Ford allegedly joins partnership on nickel processing plant for electric vehicle batteries that put local residents' safety at risk; co. did not respond

A report by Reuters alleges that Ford recently joined as partner (with PT Vale Indonesia and Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt) in a proposed high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) plant in Pomalaa in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, where PT Vale operates a nickel mine. It was previously reported by JATAM that “Vale Indonesia […] put the safety of residents in East Luwu, South Sulawesi and Pomalaa, South-East Sulawesi at risk”. Aside from risks to the locals’ health and the environment, it is reported that concerns on PT Vale’s mine operations include the taking of agricultural lands and lands of indigenous peoples, as well as the criminalization of activists and indigenous peoples in East Luwu.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Ford to respond on whether appropriate human rights and environmental due diligence have been undertaken in relation to the alleged partnership. Ford's response is linked below.

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