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31 Oca 2024


Indonesia: Two contractor employees were electrocuted in PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park

[unofficial translation from Bahasa]

"Two contractor employees in the PT IMIP industrial area were electrocuted" 31 January 2024

Two contractor employees working in the PT Industrial Area at Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) in Morowali District, Central Sulawesi, were electrocuted on Wednesday, 31st January 2024. The victims, both employees of the local contractor PT Laju, were declared safe after receiving treatment at the PT IMIP Clinic. They were electrocuted while carrying out their duties in the PT Risun area.

Dedy Kurniawan, the Head of Media Relations at PT IMIP, clarified, "The two individuals were not employees of IMIP or of any tenant companies, but were employed by a contractor. Both were electrocuted and lost consciousness as a result. Fortunately, neither of the victims succumbed to their injuries in this incident. They were promptly taken to the IMIP clinic for medical observation."

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