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18 Nis 2023

Indonesia: Uncontacted tribe might not survive destruction that will result from a nickel project concession for electric car batteries, report alleges

A report by Survival International alleges that Weda Bay nickel project mining concession overlaps with Hongana Manyawa territory in Indonesia. The territory is home to 300-500 uncontacted members of the Hongana Manyawa tribe. The report continues that “[i]f mining goes ahead as planned, they (Hongana Manyawa tribe) will not survive the destruction.” Further, the report alleges that “[t]he mining is illegal under international law as uncontacted tribes cannot give their Free, Prior and Informed Consent to the exploitation of their land, which is legally required for all ‘developments’ on Indigenous territories.”

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Tesla, Eramet, BASF, and Tsingshan Group to respond to the allegations. Only Eramet and BASF responded. Their responses are linked below.

Şirket Yanıtları


Yanıt Yok

Tsingshan Group

Yanıt Yok

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