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12 Ara 2023

By RTE (Ireland)

WRC told of 'culture of racism' at major security firm

Tüm etiketleri gör İddialar

A "culture of racism" at a major security firm is behind the demotion of an Indian manager … SIPTU has told the Workplace Relations Commission.

The claim was made at a hearing into a complaint under the Employment Equality Act by the former manager, Sayed Baqur-Hussain, against One Complete Solutions Ltd, a managed services firm which employs hundreds in its security division as a contractor to clients including Irish Rail and Tesco.

Mr Baqur-Hussain admits punching a "well-known shoplifter" …he said he was acting in self-defence after the man was racially abusive…

the company investigation concluded that Mr Baqur-Hussain "assaulted" Mr X, the tribunal was told.

He received a final written warning and a demotion from account manager to security guard. The security officer was also placed on a final written warning, but disciplinary proceedings against the other account manager, who was not Indian, ended at the investigation stage with no sanction…

He said company policy forbade him from assigning Mr Baqur-Hussain or other Indian managers a security officer to cover shifts on the Tesco account if it meant paying overtime…

"When an Irish manager needs to cover something it would be covered, no issues," he said…