Kazakhstan: Employee gets serious injuries in accident, co. conducts investigation
Date Reported: 18 Eyl 2023
Lokasyon: Kazakistan
Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC - Subsidiary , Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) - Parent CompanyProjeler
Pavlodar Alumina Plant - OperationEtkilenenler
Total individuals affected: 1
İşçiler: ( 1 - Kazakistan , Madencilik , Women )Meseleler
Yaralanmalar , Occupational Health & SafetyYanıt
Response sought: Hayır
Source type: News outlet
[Translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
An employee of the Aluminum of Kazakhstan enterprise received a severe burn from alkali, 19 September 2023
The woman is in intensive care.
At a large enterprise in Pavlodar, JSC Aluminum of Kazakhstan, alkali splashed onto a worker...
The accident...was reported by the labor department.
The victim was taken to the intensive care unit.
“She is in a continuous functioning bed with a supply of heated sterile air. The patient’s condition is stable and serious. She is conscious. The thermochemical burn covered 22% of the body,” the press service of the first city hospital reported...
The plant management organised an investigation into the accident.