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Şirketin Yanıtı

21 Tem 2023


Kempinski response re conditions for subcontracted workers at USM Qatar

Kempinski was invited to respond to the following:

  1. Respond to the report’s findings, and
  2. Disclose what steps it has taken to investigate and remedy workers for the abuse reported.

USM is a Supreme Committee-approved outsource supplier which we are using for HSK, F&B & Laundry services. (At present no services are being used as we have stopped outsourcing labor due to low business.)

In August 2022, we initiated the contract with them as they were approved outsource suppliers from SC. They are in compliance as per Supreme Committee audit standards as well the 3rd party audit consultants IMPACTT. (Appointed by FIFA organization & based in London). As a hotel we decided only to work with Supreme Committee approved suppliers and terminated the contract with other suppliers who were not meeting the minimum labour standards.

We are determined to protect the workers' rights in our hotel, therefore, we make sure to use approved suppliers by The Supreme Committee for legacy and deliveries. During our daily interactions or inquiries with USM staff, they have not raised any concerns.

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