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12 Eyl 2023

Tokelo Khausela, allAfrica

Lesotho: Factory reduces working hours for the second time due to 'dwindling' demand from US buyers

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"Lesotho: Doom and Gloom Follow Leading Clothing Manufacturer", 12 September 2023

Global International Garments has once again slashed the already reduced working days of its employees due to dwindling orders for its products.

The company started implementing the latest measures last week and the employees now only work 10 days a month from the previous 22 working days.

This is the second time in two months that Global International Garments, a subsidiary of the once iconic Nien Hsing Textile Group, is slashing employees' working days after first reducing the working time from 1 June this year.

The move will consequently adversely affect the take-home pay of the workers, who also risk losing their jobs completely, unless the company's prospects change sooner rather than later.

The Nien Hsing Group has already closed several of its Lesotho subsidiaries over the last few years due to lack of demand for its products on the international market, particularly the United States, leaving thousands of workers jobless.

The first to be shutdown was its Glory International subsidiary, rendering 1500 workers jobless in 2022. Two other subsidiaries, Nien Hsing International and C&Y Garments, were also closed last year, sending home a combined 5400 workers.

Global International Garments had also temporarily laid-off employees due to lack of orders, but reopened in January this year. But five months on, the factory is still struggling.

In addition to Global International Garments, Nien Hsing Group's only other remaining operational subsidiary is Formosa.

Part of the following timelines

Global: Garment workers face mass layoffs, suspended employment & reduced working hours as suppliers report reduced & cancelled orders from brands amid cost-of-living crisis

Lesotho: Factories reportedly shut down due to lack of international demand; incl. co. non-responses