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Şirketin Yanıtı

23 Oca 2024

LPP S.A's response to allegations of abuses in Myanmar garment factories - February 2024 Update


We would like to inform that we have not encountered any evidence that Bohua Fashion, Maiyibei Garment Manufacturing, and Sen Yu factories are part of our supply chain.

Concerning the rest of factories we are in touch with our agents to get to know if they confirm the allegations and are aware of the information forwarded to LPP by B&HRRC. We will carry out investigations and share their results with B&HRRC.

Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Garment worker faces dismissal after refusal to carry heavy materials in factory; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers report safety risks for women at Bohua Fashion factory; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers at Bohua Fashion factory reportedly face a series of violations incl. mandatory & unpaid overtime; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers face wage reduction due to changes in payment system; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly dismissed if they refuse overtime due to health issued caused by excessive working hours; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers face harassment if they refuse overtime; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers at MaiyiBei (Yangon) factory report multiple abuses incl. denial of social security benefits & leave; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Nine women workers forced to work at factory in unknown location all night; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers suspend work to demand better working conditions & the dismissal of HR manager; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Labour Office reportedly accepting bribes from factory to ignore worker rights abuses; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers face labour rights violations including 'humiliating' verbal abuse from supervisors; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: SYSMM garment factory announces it will close without paying workers their full compensation; incl. co. response

Myanmar: Garment workers at Sen Yu factory threatened with dismissal if they refuse overtime

Myanmar: Sixty garment workers at Sen Yu factory call for unpaid salaries outside factory

Myanmar: Over 100 day labourers hired & rehired to avoid permanent worker status; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers fired after filing complaint over working conditions; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Workers at Honor Apparel report multiple labour rights abuses; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment worker who filed complaint over denial of medical leave faces retaliation by factory; incl. co. responses