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Şirketin Yanıtı

21 Nis 2023

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer response re forced labour in Spain


We’re aware of systemic challenges within Southern Spain which is why we are a founding member of the Spanish Ethical Trade Forums and work closely with the wider industry to protect workers' rights in Spain. The forums in March 2023 delivered regional events across Huelva, Murcia and Almeria focusing on supporting members on how to manage wage payments and social security. They also delivered training on how to identify and manage cases of labour exploitation. M&S is also a member of the ETI and participates in working groups focused on Spain. Additionally, we carry out our own assessments of practices within Spain, and take action to identify and resolve issues, working closely with our supplier partners...

All of our suppliers must adhere to our Global Sourcing Principles, and as part of our Human Rights Standard all direct fresh produce suppliers require a 3rd party ethical audit. We use a risk-based approach to our growers in our supply chain, which is assessed through our human rights due diligence process and risk assessment and this can result in a 3rd party audit. Under our Human Rights Standard, and in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we also require suppliers to demonstrate their approach to human rights due diligence in their own operations and their supply chain. To support this, we developed comprehensive guidance and made this available not only to suppliers but also open source: https://corporate.marksandspencer.com/sites/marksandspencer/files/marksspencer/human-rights-and-our-supply/human-rights-due-diligence-and-remedyguidance-1-new.pdf ...

Safecall is available to workers in all countries free of charge and is anonymous. Translation is available or a call back can be arranged. Anyone can also submit a webform in their own language if they are more comfortable

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