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8 Nis 2024

Mexico: Coffee farmers accuse Nestlé of a ruthless purchasing policy, they can't afford basic needs

Public Eye published a report titled "High hopes, low prices: How Nestlé is driving Mexican coffee farmers to ruin." In this document, Mexican coffee farmers from Chiapas mention Nestlé's actions in implementing a promising program called "Plan Nescafé," which aimed to promote the cultivation of Robusta coffee plants meeting the 4C sustainability requirements for Nestlé to purchase. Nowadays, coffee farmers accuse "Plan Nescafé" of being expensive and claim dependency on selling to Nestlé. They also accuse Nestlé of maintaining a ruthless purchasing policy, as the prices received by coffee producers barely cover production costs. Consequently, they live in poverty, earning low wages, lacking sufficient healthcare, and facing seasonal food insecurity.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Nestlé to respond to the report and the allegations of purchasing crops from Mexican farmers in Chiapas at prices lower than their production costs under the "Nescafé Plan," thereby contributing to poverty and inadequate incomes in the sector. Nestlé responded (linked below).