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Bu sayfa Türkçe dilinde mevcut değildir ve şu an English dilinde görüntülenmektedir


1 Haz 2020

Mexico: Torex Gold responds to 4 cases of killings and the one disappearance of labour rights defenders and workers in the Media Luna mine in Guerrero over the past 3 years

The Canadian mining company Torex Gold is the owner of the Media Luna mine in Guerrero, Mexico.  From 2017 until 2020 the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre has registered the killing of four labour rights defenders who worked directly in or with the mine; 2017: Víctor and Marcelino Sahuanitla Peña, 2018: Quintin Salgado, 2019: the disappearance of Oscar Hernández Romero and 2020: Oscar Ontiveros Martínes. 

For more information about the killings, please the cases in our data base of attacks against human rights defenders in the context of business and human rights, and more information on our website in Spanish.

We contacted Torex Gold to respond to these killings; the response can be found below.  We contacted Torex Gold in 2019 to respond to the disappearance; the response can also be found below. 

Şirket Yanıtları

Torex Gold Resources Yanıtı Görüntüle

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