Mine class action could start soon [So. Africa]
More than 300 000 retired gold mine workers, who contracted silicosis or tuberculosis (TB) during or after their employment in the industry, were pushing for the start of a multibillion-rand class action next year, lawyer Richard Spoor said on Friday. He said the class action would be against AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold Africa, DRDGold, Gold Fields, Harmony Gold, JCI Gold, Randgold & Exploration, Rand Uranium [joint venture Harmony Gold, Pamodzi Resource Fund], African Rainbow Minerals and Pamodzi Gold. The retired miners from across South Africa and neighbouring countries could receive billions in compensation. The case would represent all employees who contracted silicosis in local mines from the 1950s onwards, as well as the widows and estates of workers who contracted tuberculosis. Spoor said it was standard practice for the companies to dismiss workers once they had contracted silicosis...Earlier this year the Constitutional Court ruled in favour of an AngloGold Ashanti employee, Thembekile Mankayi, which allowed him to sue the Anglo American group company for contracting silicosis. [also refers to Anglo American, Cape plc, Gencor]