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23 Ara 2014

Kyaw Phyo Tha, Irrawaddy (Myanmar)

More Villagers Injured in Letpadaung Mine Protests

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Three people were injured…when police used rubber bullets to quell an attempt to halt land seizures near the Letpadaung copper mining project, the day after one woman was shot dead by police in the same village. A doctor from the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society…said he had treated 16 people who were injured in confrontations over the last two days, including several shot with rubber bullets, while others were hit and kicked by police and Chinese employees working on the project. According to Hse Tae residents, more than 17 acres of farmland in the surrounding area had been bulldozed since 6:30am on Tuesday, destroying a swath of sesame, sunflower and bean crops…[A] Hse Tae resident who witnessed the seizure [said] “when the villagers attempted to stop the bulldozer, police shot them down.” An official from Myanmar Wanbao Mining Copper Limited…told the Irrawaddy…that the company will continue to fence the area…[T]he company accused protestors of using slingshots and throwing rocks at police and Wanbao staff, while vehemently denying accounts on social media that its employees had assaulted villagers and carried knives…

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