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21 Ağu 2020

Morocco: Garment factory supplying to Benetton & Armani accused of withholding wages & union busting after dismissing 14 workers who spoke out over lack of COVID-19 protections; Incl. company responses


On 7 August 2020, it was reported that 14 garment workers - eight of whom are union members – were dismissed by Miroglio Maroc factory in Morocco. According to Solidarity Center, the 14 workers were unfairly dismissed after speaking out against the lack of COVID-19 protective measures, and the factory refuses to pay their wages owed for May and June. Further, factory management has allegedly verbally harassed women garment workers who requested safety and health protections. The factory says it fired the workers for “defamation”.

Miroglio Maroc factory produces for Benetton Group and Armani Group, according to publicly available supplier information and customs records.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Benetton Group and Armani Group to respond to the allegations. Benetton Group responded and its response is included below. Armani Group did not respond. Miroglio Maroc factory could not be reached for a response.