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Şirketin Yanıtı

22 May 2024


Morrisons response to calls to meet costs of Employer Pays Principle across supply chains


The Employer Pays Principle (EPP) is reflected in our Ethical Trading Code which forms part of our terms and conditions with suppliers.

In response to concerns raised around exploitation risks faced by some migrant workers on temporary visas, we have actively participated in the UK Seasonal Worker Scheme (SWS) Taskforce to drive collective action on responsible recruitment.

The establishment of an EPP feasibility study has been a priority for the SWS Taskforce, with the objective of reducing the risk of workers entering into debt for their migration costs...

We communicate clearly to suppliers that the prices agreed should support them in complying with our standards (including our Ethical Trading Code), be sufficient to meet all costs of production and allow them to make a reasonable profit. If suppliers have any concerns about this we would expect and encourage them to raise these with us.

An investigation has been undertaken with one of our suppliers into potential fees that might have been paid in the recruitment process of migrant workers on the Seasonal Worker Scheme. We continue to work collaboratively with suppliers and key stakeholders on the practical application of the Employer Pays Principle.

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