Zaman çizelgesi
EU: A call for smart implementation of EU sustainability rules over disruptive U-turns
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DIMR Report | Development of the human rights situation in Germany, incl. exploitative working conditions for migrant workers & human rights responsibility of companies
Forest Peoples Programme | 'Using the new EU rules to support our rights – a guide for indigenous peoples and forest peoples'
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Looking Back, Looking Forward: A report on integrating Indigenous and Forest Peoples' rights in EU law and policy
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Danish Institute for Human Rights publishes 2024 benchmark on human rights policies and due diligence of largest Danish companies
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EU: Social LobbyMap identifies & analyses financial sector lobbying around CSDDD
EU: New CSDDD transposition guide published by ECCJ in collaboration with other CSOs
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EU: More than 50 companies call out in support of European Green Deal & against deregulation
ActionAid publishes new report: "Towards a gender-responsive transposition of the CSDDD"
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NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights publishes report on how governments can regulate corporate human rights performance
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EU: CSO publication looks back at corporate accountability campaign & journey towards CSDDD
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BIICL publishes report on impacts of human rights due diligence laws on internal corporate practice
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Anti-Slavery International publishes analysis of EU CSDDD to assist allies in advocating for effective implementation
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Europe: Unions call for stronger human rights protections in the base metals sector, emphasising the role of emerging mHREDD
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FORUM MENSCHENRECHTE fordert ambitionierte Umsetzung der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie
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EU: UNICEF publishes report on how to implement the CSDDD for children's rights
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Global North Dominance Watch report: 'Decolonising CSDDD Debates; through the lens of anti-colonial epistemology'
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Germany: Civil society takes stock after 5 years of Sector Dialogues
ClientEarth & Frank Bold publish guide on how to transpose CSDDD into national laws to ensure robust environmental protections
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Excerpts from CSDDD legal text: Risk-based approach, appropriate measures & other features ensuring quality over bureaucracy
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Danish Institute for Human Rights publishes guide on transposition of CSDDD for National Human Rights Institutions
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Excerpts from CSDDD legal text: protections & opportunities for SMEs
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Financial institutions should proactively align with CSDDD, BSR says
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Sweden: CSDDD transposition necessitates effective enforcement structures, says Swedwatch
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Fachaufsatz "Wie muss das LkSG aufgrund der CS3D angepasst werden?"
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Overview | "The EU Supply Chain Directive: Global Protection for People and the Environment"
EU: New policy brief analyses CSDDD requirements with respect to commercial contracts
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Geplante Abschwächung des Lieferkettengesetzes wäre laut Rechtsgutachten rechtswidrig
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100+ large companies, SMEs & networks reaffirm support for EU CSDDD at final stage of adoption
Stellungnahme: "Vorteile der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie"
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EU: OECD Watch highlights opportunities to further strengthen alignment between CSDDD & OECD Guidelines in national transpositions
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Commentary: The CSDDD's "new smart mix" of protective & supportive measures for SMEs in global value chains
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EU: Verfassungsblog & German Institute for Human Rights hold CSDDD blog symposium; incl. pieces on stakeholder engagement, civil liability & administrative enforcement
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BHR Journal article explores main elements of final CSDDD compromise
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ECCJ reaction & analysis: "A game changer with loopholes: EU finally adopts landmark Corporate Due Diligence law"
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UE : Adoption d’une loi historique sur les chaînes de valeur des entreprises
Mevcut diller: français -
Medienmitteilung der Schweizer Koalition für Konzernverantwortung: CSDDD final verabschiedet
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BHRRC comments on final CSDDD adoption: Landmark win for human rights in business calls for ambitious national transposition
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Pressemitteilung & Kurzbewertung: "EU-Lieferkettengesetz nimmt letzte Hürde – Paradigmenwechsel beim Menschenrechts- und Umweltschutz"
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EU Council press release: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive formally adopted
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EU due diligence law governing big business is a landmark advance for human rights, according to Amnesty
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EU: Corporate accountability central human rights issue in upcoming European elections, according to HRW
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México: Comentario: La Directiva Europea en materia de Diligencia Debida, una oportunidad de colaboración con la UE
Mevcut diller: español -
CSDDD: A step in the right direction, but not the end of the road
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How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights
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Investor briefing: EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
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Frequently Asked Questions about the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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Commentary: "What the EU crackdown on supply chains means for Swiss companies"
EU Parliament approves supply chain law
A new chapter is about to start for corporate accountability
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Consolidated CSDDD text as adopted by the European Parliament in all EU languages
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The European Parliament approves the CSDDD: A step towards corporate justice
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Compromise EU law will start holding companies accountable, 11 years after Rana Plaza collapse
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The European Parliament votes in favour of the CSDDD
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Groundbreaking law to eradicate forced labour from supply chains approved in the EU today
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Am Rana-Plaza-Jahrestag: EU-Lieferkettengesetz nimmt nächste Hürde
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Due diligence: MEPs adopt rules for firms on human rights and environment
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The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: Maximising impact through transposition and implementation
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UE : Le Parlement européen adopte la directive relative au devoir de vigilance des entreprises en matière de durabilité
Mevcut diller: français -
Most recent business statements in support of mandatory due diligence & the CSDDD
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Demystifying the CSDDD: practical approach for businesses
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UE : La Directive sur le devoir de diligence en matière de développement durable des entreprises, un outil juridique pour une profitabilité durable, selon des experts
Mevcut diller: français -
UE : Les lobbies économiques et industriels se mobilisent contre la directive sur le devoir de vigilance
Mevcut diller: français -
Großer Erfolg: Das EU-Lieferkettengesetz kommt doch noch!
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EU: Parliament Legal Affairs Committee approves due diligence directive
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CSDDD: analysis for business practitioners
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Text of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive after modifications in Council
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Debunking seven myths on the CSDDD
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Summary of the CSDDD text as approved by the EU Council
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France Industrie vent debout contre la directive européenne sur le « devoir de vigilance »
Mevcut diller: français -
Trotz deutscher Enthaltung: EU-Staaten stimmen für stark abgeschwächtes Lieferkettengesetz
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EU: Endorsement of Forced Labour Regulation reduces room for political resistance against CSDDD given complementarity
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EU sorgt für den Fortschritt, den die Bundesregierung schuldig geblieben ist
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Devoir de vigilance européen : les États membres adoptent un texte ressuscité grâce à la mobilisation, mais affaibli par les lobbies
Mevcut diller: français -
EU due diligence directive: Member states reach political agreement
EU Council endorses corporate accountability law after years of negotiations and delays
EU: New European business human rights law passes crucial vote
EU-Rat stimmt Lieferkettengesetz zu
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Due diligence: a major boost for workers' rights in company supply chains
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ECCJ reaction: CSDDD endorsement brings us 0.05% closer to corporate justice
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Sustainable value chains: EU Council finds agreement on a common EU standard despite bitter concessions
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Politique de l'UE. Compromis de l’UE sur le devoir de vigilance des entreprises
Mevcut diller: français -
120+ BHR lawyers and practitioners call for support for the Belgian compromise on the CSDDD
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Businesses & NGOs call on Italian Govt. to support EU due diligence directive
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EU negotiators arm CSDDD text against last-minute political push
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Peru, Ivory Coast and Ukraine business organisations call for EU CSDDD deal
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Commentary: Business deserves clarity on human rights responsibilities
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EU: Belgian presidency seeks compromise on due diligence law
Ukrainian civil society calls on EU to promote more resilient and responsible business conduct, incl. through CSDDD
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Commentary: Why killing the CSDDD will create a mismatched patchwork of national due diligence laws
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Civil Society Letter in Support of EU CSDDD to European Embassies
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Uganda: CSOs says failure by EU members to agree on CSDDD jeopardises a future where corporations respect human and environmental rights
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen fordern Rettungsversuch des Kanzlers
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Briefing note: 'The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights'
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Global: Continua incertidumbre jurídica ante falta de aprobación de ley de debida diligencia empresarial para la Unión Europea
Mevcut diller: español -
Political volte-face hits EU supply chain law amid unwavering Belgian ambition
EU: Over 50 Brazilian civil society organisations urge German chancellor to vote for the CSDDD
EU: Fehlende Mehrheit im Rat Rückschlag für EU-Lieferkettengesetz; Verhandlungen gehen weiter
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France strikes again to undermine the CSDDD
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EU: Over 130 organisations sharply criticise failure of member states to endorse CSDDD despite overwhelming support; negotiations to continue
Aktuelle Umfrage: Mehrheit der Deutschen und der FDP-Wähler*innen für EU-Lieferkettengesetz
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EU Council Fails to Approve New Environmental, Human Rights Sustainability Due Diligence Law
Businesses make urgent call for support for EU due diligence law ahead of Council vote
Common rules for the common market – the CSDDD is needed for businesses and human rights
Commentary: For Ukraine's sake, pass the EU due diligence directive
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EU: President of the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine welcomes Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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Europäisches Lieferkettengesetz: Grüne fordern Machtwort des Bundeskanzlers
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EU: UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders calls on Italy to support CSDDD
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Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen fordert EU-Mitgliedstaaten auf, Lieferkettenrichtlinie anzunehmen
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Joint statement by OHCHR, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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Beschluss des SPD-Parteivorstandes: Keine Blockade von Menschenrechten und Umweltschutz - Deutsche Zustimmung zum Lieferkettengesetz!
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Businesses & other stakeholders call on the Italian Govt. to support the EU CSDDD
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EU partners lose trust in Berlin after policy U-turns
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UN wendet sich mit Brandbrief an Scholz
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UN Special Rapporteur on environmental defenders under the Aarhus Convention: Statement in support of the adoption of the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
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WBCSD Public Statement in support of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Nobelpreisträger appelliert an Scholz
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Open letter to Chancellor Scholz on CSDDD support
UN Human Rights Chief urges EU leaders to approve key business and human rights legislation
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EU: Brot für die Welt kritisiert Österreichs Blockade des Lieferkettengesetzes
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Österreich: SPÖ macht beim Lieferkettengesetz Druck auf Kocher
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The UN Global Compact reiterates its support for efforts toward mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence worldwide
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Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: "Jetzt FDP-Lügen entlarven und Lieferkettengesetz zustimmen!"
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EU member states must deliver the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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UE: Directiva de debida diligencia obligaría a las empresas a respetar poblaciones y medio ambiente en Latinoamérica
Mevcut diller: español -
Brüssel: Staatssekretär spricht sich für EU-Lieferkettengesetz aus
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EU delays due diligence law decision
Doctoral Researchers’ Call to Support the CSDDD
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Interview: Sinnloser Streit ums Lieferkettengesetz? „Es wird so oder so Standard werden“
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German-Italian revolt delays EU’s due diligence law
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Entscheidung zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz vertagt – Scholz muss bei Menschenrechten jetzt Farbe bekennen
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Irritation über "Geheimdiplomatie" der FDP
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Nordic businesses call on their governments to support the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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EU: Germany's Free Democratic Party takes aim at due diligence directive
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Grüne und FDP heben Streit um EU-Richtlinie auf nächste Stufe
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Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung: Enthaltung beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz könnte deutscher Wirtschaft schaden
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Aufruf deutscher Kinderrechtsorganisationen zum Lieferkettengesetz: Große Chance für Kinderrechte ist durch Enthaltung der Bundesregierung gefährdet
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WWF: Unexpected last round for corporate due diligence law tests EU's credibility
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EU: European Coalition for Corporate Justice urges the Council to approve the CSDDD
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Präsident des Bundesamtes für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle würde EU-Lieferkettengesetz begrüßen
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EU: Business coalition calls due diligence directive "historic opportunity" and urges governments to support directive
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Bischöfe appellieren an österreichische Politik für "Ja" zum Lieferkettengesetz
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Statement by the United Nations Working Group encourages European Union Member States to adopt the draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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EU: Over 300 business & human rights practitioners, lawyers & academics join call to support the CSDDD
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EU: Swedwatch & 3 others call on Swedish Govt. to respect political compromise
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The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is About to Face a Critical Vote
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EU: Germany’s failure to support new EU business legislation undermines human rights
WWF: Kanzler Scholz muss Führungsversprechen mit Blick auf Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz einlösen
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz und die Wirtschaft: Reguliert uns!
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The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: UNI Global Union calls on governments to not backslide on human rights commitments
Pressemitteilung der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: Deutsche Enthaltung zu EU-Lieferkettengesetz ist ein Armutszeugnis für Demokratie und Menschenrechtsschutz
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Germany abstaining on corporate sustainability legislation would knowingly fail people and our planet
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FIBS statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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EU: European Brands Association urges member states to support due diligence directive
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Unternehmen sprechen sich für ein starkes EU-Lieferkettengesetz aus
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The German Institute for Human Rights: EU-Member states should agree to EU Due Diligence Directive
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amfori statement in support of adoption of the CSDDD
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EU: Germany will abstain from EU supply chain law vote, according to German labour minister
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EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Misereor rügt Regierung
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Joint letter from investor networks reiterating support for CSDDD
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SPD-Grundwertekommission: Deutschland sollte dem EU-Lieferkettengesetz auch entgegen der FDP-Position zustimmen
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Über 40 Wissenschaftler*innen rufen zur Annahme der CSDDD durch den EU-Rat auf
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Pakistani trade unionists take stock: The Supply Chain Act protects workers and trade unions on the ground!
Ja zu Lieferkettengesetz für Glaubwürdigkeit der EU-Staaten essenziell
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Brot für die Welt fordert Scholz auf, Richtlinienkompetenz zu nutzen und EU-Lieferkettengesetz zuzustimmen
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SPD fordert FDP zu Ja zu EU-Lieferkettengesetz auf
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Pressestatement der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: FDP-Sabotage des EU-Lieferkettengesetzes ist Affront gegen Betroffene von Menschenrechtsverletzungen
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EU: Lawyers & scholars working on European Model Clauses call on member states & MEPs to vote in favour of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte: Bundesregierung sollte der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie zustimmen
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EU due diligence law: Companies want rules
Fünf Mythen und Fakten zur EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie
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Studie: Mehrheit der Unternehmen begrüßt das EU-Lieferkettengesetz
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Commentary: Germany throws a spanner in works of the EU supply chain law
Österreich: Justizministerin Zadic bekräftigt ihre Zustimmung zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz
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Recherche zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz: FDP stellt sich gegen Positionen, die Justizminister Buschmann innerhalb der Bundesregierung & in der EU vertreten hat
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FDP-Präsidium will EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie verhindern
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Pressemitteilung der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: Kehrtwende der FDP beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz setzt Glaubwürdigkeit Deutschlands aufs Spiel
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The CS3D: a milestone for supply chain responsibility
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Promising yet flawed: EU Law on corporate sustainability faces key challenges
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Stronger winds of change: Landmark EU agreement big step towards ending corporate abuse
Politische Einigung über EU-Gesetz zur Unternehmensverantwortung ein Schritt nach vorn
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BHRRC comments on CSDDD agreement: Landmark shift towards human rights and environmental protections in business set by EU despite serious omissions
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Agreement reached on EU due diligence law
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EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: landmark step forward but proof of need for greater policy coherence
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Einigung im Trilog: Meilenstein auf dem Weg zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz
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The EU falls short: Finance granted free pass on environmental and human rights accountability
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Breakthrough in EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) Negotiations
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Shift welcomes substantial alignment of the political agreement on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive with the UNGPs
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EU: Agreement on new EU legislation governing big business is an important step but fails to fully advance human rights
Landmark due diligence legislation agreed in the EU
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CSDDD political deal: A pivotal step but a missed opportunity to embrace transformative change
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Devoir de vigilance des entreprises : le Parlement européen et les États membres parviennent à un accord
Mevcut diller: français -
Due diligence deal will help end corporate exploitation
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Global: Directiva Europea de Debida Diligencia para empresas en revisión técnica
Mevcut diller: español -
Devoir de vigilance : un accord trouvé au niveau européen, fortement affaibli par le lobbying des multinationales
Mevcut diller: français -
Politische Einigung auf EU-Lieferkettengesetz
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América Latina: Organizaciones de la sociedad civil solicitan al gobierno español impulsar la aprobación de la directiva europea de diligencia debida
Mevcut diller: español -
UE: Campaña europea 'Justicia asunto de todos-as' revela apoyo público a una ley de diligencia debida empresarial
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UE: Comisión europarlamentaria de asuntos jurídicos votará directiva sobre diligencia debida el 24 de abril
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Comentario: Más de 220 organizaciones de la sociedad civil cuestionan deficiencias en el texto de la Directiva Europea y ley sobre empresas y derechos humanos
Mevcut diller: español -
América Latina: Comentario sobre la importancia de las leyes de diligencia debida de la Unión Europea para esta región
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América Latina: OSC estrenan documental sobre debida diligencia en materia de derechos humanos en el Parlamento Europeo
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Global: Comentario sobre la propuesta de Directiva europea de diligencia debida, sostenibilidad y papel de las empresas
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Global: Se reúnen empresas y redes locales del Pacto Mundial para abordar debida diligencia en materia de derechos humanos y nueva directiva de la Unión Europea
Mevcut diller: español -
Global: UE hará que empresas informen sobre su impacto ambiental y en materia de derechos humanos
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Global: Parlamento Europeo aprueba norma para la protección de activistas frente al abuso del derecho contra personas defensoras en contextos empresariales
Mevcut diller: español -
Global: Parlamento Europeo aprueba resolución sobre la diligencia debida de las empresas en relación con los derechos humanos y el medio ambiente
Mevcut diller: español
Hikâyenin tümünü gör