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5 Oca 2015

AFP, Myanmar Times

Myanmar: 7 charged for protesting against Letpadaung mine days after a villager is killed in clash with police

“Police charge seven for Letpadaung protests”, 2 January 2015

…[The seven arrested] were among 100 activists who scuffled with police…near the Chinese embassy in Yangon. The protesters demanded the closure of the Letpadaung copper mine in the Sagaing region, where a female villager was shot dead during a clash with police…The shooting has sparked a series of protests in Yangon and Mandalay as well as a running stand-off at the mine itself, which villagers say has been established for the benefit of a Chinese company at the expense of their land and the local environment…They face several charges including protesting without permission and criminal intimidation…Four of the protesters -- Naw Ohn Hla, Nay Myo Zin, Sein Htwe and Tin Htut Paing -- have been held in Yangon's notorious Insein prison…

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