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3 Kas 2021

Publish What You Pay Australia

Myanmar: CSO report reveals how Myanmar Economic Holding Limited (MEHL) profits from partnership with Chinese state-owned mining companies

"Chinese mines a $700 million USD jackpot for Myanmar military", 3 November 2021

Publish What You Pay Australia’s new report How Chinese Mining Investment Funds the Myanmar Military unveils how the Chinese run Lapadaung, Sapetaung & Kyesintaung and Tagaung Taung mines resulted in an estimated USD $725 million flowing to the military regime for the 2020 – 2021 financial year.

Using leaked data from DDo Secrets, this report shows how Chinese state-owned mining companies in partnership with Myanmar Economic Holding Limited (MEHL) are bankrolling the military’s campaign of terror. The country’s three largest mines are all run by Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs), namely Wanbao Mining Ltd. and China Nonferrous Metal Mining with revenues flowing from these projects to the Myanmar generals.

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