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5 Oca 2015

Roseanne Gerin, Radio Free Asia

Myanmar: Farmers reject offer of compensation for damaged crops in Letpadaung mine & pledge to continue protests until their property is returned

Tüm etiketleri gör

“Myanmar Farmers Reject Mining Company Payout For Ruined Crops”, 2 January 2015

Villagers affected by a controversial China-backed copper mine...said…that an offer by the project’s operator to compensate them for crops it damaged while erecting a fence on disputed land was inadequate and pledged to continue protests until the property is returned to them. China’s Myanmar Wanbao Mining Copper Ltd. and its partner, the military-backed Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd., will pay farmers the highest market rate for crops at the site in Letpadaung...said Saw Myint Oo, minister of the division’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding…Villagers, however, rejected the offer of compensation and demanded that Wanbao return land the company fenced off late last month, sparking clashes between residents and police that left one protester dead and dozens of people injured…

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