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11 Eyl 2021

Khaing Zar Aung

Myanmar: Garment workers allegedly threatened with arrest by the military if they informed union leaders of labour rights violations at the Popular Garment factory

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“Popular factory workers were threatened with arrest if they contact to union leaders who are joining CDM”, 11 September 2021

According to workers at the popular garment factory, workers were threatened that they can be arrested if they contact to union leader[s] who are joining CDM and tell[ing] [them about] the working condition of the factory.

A worker said…“We…called a meeting on September 2 [with] Line 1 supervisor. She conveyed the message from the factory manager U Pyae Phyo Aung at the meeting. She said that “the factory knows that workers are informing about what is happening at work to the union leaders who are doing CDM. The factory will call the military to come to the factory to arrest the workers if the workers continue giving information. “

As a result of such threats from factory management, most workers are worried that they will be arrested if they report workplace violations…

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