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11 Ağu 2023

Kyaw Kyaw Win, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers at Sunrise Myanmar report ongoing forced overtime despite visit from labour office

Tüm etiketleri gör İddialar

"Sunrise Myanmar Fashion Garment factory labours are appeal for the labour rights in accordance with the law.", 11 August 2023


The labours from the factory which [is] located in Jade Street, Thar Du Kan Industrial 4, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon said that they are facing the violations such as [being forced to work] overtime [or they would face a] grade bonus reduction...[workers] not [being given] a break...during the overtime [shifts], no ferry service for overtime workers, [the factory] demanding...high [targets] which they forced to [meet] during...overtime [shifts amd won't receive their] benefits if the target isn’t reached, grade [bonus] reduction for taking...leave and the [factory] leader using...profanities in the workplace.

The labours also stated that the factory is owned by a Chinese citizen and operating with over 1000 [workers]. [It supplies] brands such as GLOBAL WORK...CINEMA CLUB, HARE, LEPSIM...UNITED ATHLE...LOWRYS FARM...

It is also known that...no trade union is formed. It is said that WCC exist but the details about the members are unknown so...there is no one to negotiate and solve the labour issues within the workplace.

Responsible labour offices [were] reported [to] about the overtime issue and the individuals responsible from Shwe Pyi Thar labour office came to [speak to] the owner[,] but nothing about the overtime is changed and [workers] continue working as before.

“The working hours are from 8:00 AM to 19:00 PM including 2 and a half hours of overtime. But these days overtime ranges until 21:00 PM or 0:00 AM too...We are obligated to work...there were no snacks [or food]...provided during the overtime and no snack break too.”...

A dissatisfied labour said that “They are cheating by demanding [targets that are] more than we can do...Then summoning [us to work unpaid] to reach those [targets]...”

The labour also said...it was announced that those who don’t work overtime and those who take leave would [receive a] reduced grade bonus...

...[workers] can’t take a leave for health issues [despite] working overtime almost every day...

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