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7 Oca 2024

Myanmar: Garment workers face labour rights violations including 'humiliating' verbal abuse from supervisors; incl. co. responses

In November it was reported that workers at Kfine International Garment (Myanmar) faced a series of violations, including workers forced to work unpaid overtime to make up for a three-day closure due to a flood, factory officials informing workers they will be cutting their wages and attendance bonus for workers who take leave from the factory via a gate pass and workers forced to sign an agreement accepting the attendance bonus cut, supervisors verbally abusing women workers using explicit language and slandering if they can't meet high targets, workers receiving warnings if they don't meet targets and facing dismissal if they receive three warnings, issues with drinking water and toilets, as well as lack of safety in housing units, and limited medical provisions.

In January 2024, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Inditex (for its Zara brand), BESTSELLER (for its BESTSELLER and ONLY brands) and LPP S.A (for its Reserved brand) to respond.

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