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29 May 2022

Khaing Zar Aung

Myanmar: Garment workers report labour rights violations at VERO MODA & ONLY supplier incl. forced overtime to meet increased targets & verbal abuse

Tüm etiketleri gör İddialar

1) Women workers in the Garment sector become slaves in Myanmar.

Factory name - Tianjin Fashion Milestone Garment

Brands - Sinsay, VERO MODA ,ONLY

Workers are forced to work overtime on Sunday without pay, regular working hours are 11 hours a day.

2) workers are forced to work all night often until dawn. Workers do not want to work overtime three hours a day, but the factory forced them to work. If workers do not work overtime for a day, he or she is discriminated, against and not allowed to work overtime the whole month.

3) Therefore, workers have to work many hours a day and all night and caused health problems. Target is set increased, time to go to the toilet is limited and the supervisors swear the workers badly all the time. Workers are not allowed to get a gate pass if they are sick at work

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