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26 Eyl 2023

Nay Chi, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers reporting health difficulties due to asphalt burning outside the factory

Tüm etiketleri gör İddialar

"Some workers are suffering from respiratory problems due to the burning of asphalt around the garment factory", 26 September 2023

At the Amava Apparel Garment Factory in Pathein, Irrawaddy Division...

As the bitumen was boiling, some of the workers were reportedly suffering from headaches and dizziness due to the pungent smell of the bitumen.

Although they say that they are boiling asphalt according to business needs, it has been going on for almost a month, and the workers say that they are having difficulty working because of respiratory problems, dizziness, and even headaches.

"The roof of the factory is leaking, and asphalt has been boiling for almost a month to fix it. Even the regulatory department said they can't talk because it's according to business requirements. When I came to check on Friday at two o'clock in the afternoon, they said it's not too bad, and nothing has been done," the worker said.

"Because of this pungent smell, the workers are dizzy, swollen, have headaches, shortness of breath, those with gingivitis, those with sores are swollen, and those who have had a C-section are suffering from stitches," said one of the workers.

"[the workers] want it to be boiled on the day off or when they get off work. Now the workers have swollen gums and after giving birth, the seams are swollen and they are having headaches."

Blakladerbrand is being [supplied] by [the factory with] around 1,000 workers.

[Translation via Google Translate]

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