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15 Şub 2022

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers write public letter addressing labour violations at Dishang Fashion garment factory

Tüm etiketleri gör İddialar

“Letter from Dishang fashion garment factory staff”, 15 February 2022

...Dishang Fashion Garment Factory...makes [clothes for] brands such as Neon & Nylon, Zara, Only...

the employer did not give a Sunday off on January 30, 2022, but only the Chinese New Year on February 1, 2022, which was a one-day public holiday...

The factory also employs day laborers. The full-time employees have been working for more than three to four months, but have not yet been hired as permanent staff.

The letter appeals to the public as these cases violate the legal rights that workers are entitled to.

[Translation via Google Translate]

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