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11 Eyl 2023

Hsu Latt Phyu, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Over 60 workers wait outside Sen Yu garment factory for owed wages

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"Workers waiting to be paid in front of SEN YU garment factory", 11 September 2023

In front of the SEN YU Garment Factory near Hlaing Tharya Village, the workers said that they are having trouble waiting...to [be paid] their salaries.

More than 60 workers have resigned from their jobs and were supposed to be paid on the 10th, but because it was a holiday, the appointment was made at 3 o'clock today.

Currently, there is no response from the factory, so more than 60 workers are still waiting in front of the factory, he said.

The factory hired workers [ to work] excessively overtime, threatened to fire them if they refused, and forced them to speak rudely in the workplace. It was reported in Myanmar Labor News on August 31.

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