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31 Mar 2018

Thet Su Aung, Radio Free Asia

Myanmar: Police detains two villagers seeking to block eviction on land claimed by China-operated copper mine

"Two Detained in New Letpadaung Mine Protest in Myanmar", 29 March 2018

Myanmar police...detained two village women seeking to block eviction from their homes on land claimed by a controversial China-operated copper mine in the country’s Sagaing region....

The two women, Ma San Hla and Thwe Thwe Win, had blocked police vehicles entering Old Wet Hmay village, a settlement of 30 households marked for destruction to make way for the Letpadaung copper mine....

The Letpadaung copper mine, run jointly by China’s Wanbao company and a Myanmar-army owned conglomerate, Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd., has come under fire by local residents and farmers who have long protested the company’s land takeovers in the area.

Villagers have heavily criticized and staged protests against mine operators for expropriating land without providing them adequate compensation  and for damaging the environment.

Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Community residents protest vs. megaprojects due to environment damage and inadequate compensation; company responds

Myanmar: Letpadaung Copper Mine project sparks ongoing protests, land disputes & security concerns