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21 Oca 2022

Mekong Watch, Friends of the Earth Japan, Justice For Myanmar, ayus: Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation, Japan International Volunteer Center, Network Against Japan Arms Trade

Myanmar: Six CSOs send letter to 125 investors holding shares in ENEOS Corp., Sumitomo Corp., Marubeni Corp., and Mitsubishi Corp. with continuing business in Myanmar to stop funding junta

" [Press Release] Letter Sent to 125 Investors to Urge Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar to Stop Funding the Military" 21 January 2022

Six civil society organizations that have been urging Japanese companies to give appropriate consideration to the environment, society, and human rights in their overseas business operations, sent a letter on 18 January, 2022 to 125 corporate investors holding shares in ENEOS Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation. These Japanese companies continue to invest in four problematic projects in Myanmar, despite the unacceptable risk of the projects financing the Myanmar military, thereby supporting the military’s international crimes and grave violations of human rights, including murder, wrongful arrest and arbitrary detainment, sexual violence, forced disappearances, and torture.

Although the above four companies have expressed general concerns over violence and human rights violations perpetrated by Myanmar’s military, they have not officially declared specific plans to avoid the risk of their own business activities in Myanmar aiding and abetting grave human rights violations by the military, or announced plans to alter the course of their business activities. The four companies are involved in the following four problematic projects in Myanmar: Thilawa Special Economic Zone(SEZ)Development Project, Yetagun Gas Project, Landmark Project (Yoma Central Project); and Thilawa Area Port Terminal Operation Project.

The letter requests all holders of shares in the Japanese companies involved in the four projects to promptly engage with their investees and to urge the companies to take measures to ensure that their business activities do not benefit the Myanmar military. The letter further asks the corporate investors to consider divestment if the companies do not take sufficient measures.

For details on the four projects, please refer to the letter to investors:

In Japanese

In English

List of 125 investors:


Part of the following timelines

Myanmar: Groups call on more companies allegedly linked to military to sever ties

Myanmar: Letter sent to 125 investors holding shares in ENEOS Corp., Sumitomo Corp., Marubeni Corp., and Mitsubishi Corp. with continuing business in Myanmar to stop funding junta; incl. co. responses & non-response