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16 Ara 2022

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Three union members sentenced to 3 years imprisonment & hard labour by Military Council

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"3 members of the Labor League were sentenced to 3 years in prison by the Military Council", 16 December 2022

According to people close to them, the military council sentenced 3 members of the Workers' Federation to prison for 3 years each. After being arrested for 8 months, the labor members were each sentenced to 3 years of hard labor.

On December 14th, the court under the Military Council sentenced CTUM - Head of Department, Daw Khaing Thawza Aye (b) Faong Roe, Daw Yi Phyu Phyu Myint (Myanmar Guotai Huasheng Glory Fashion Garment Factory Based Trade Union Member, Myanmar Federation of Manufacturing and Industrial Workers - IWFM) and a fellow driver, Ko Nyan Sein, were jailed.

...On April 20, at 4:00 p.m., during the youth strike against the military dictatorship group, members of the military council beat and arrested 3 women...

From February 1, 2021, when the military council seized power, to April 21, 2022, a total of (118) labor union members were arrested and 30 members were killed, according to the CTUM group's list.

Most of those arrested are men, while 10 are women.

[Translation via Google Translate]

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