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24 Tem 2023

Nay Chi, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Workers at Huabo Time garment factory reportedly subjected to physical & verbal abuse

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"The workers said that they want action to be taken against the line leader who forced them to speak rudely in the workplace", 24 July 2023

...According to the workers, the leader of the Huabo Time Garment Factory in Ward No. 13, Pathein City is verbally abusive to the workers and is...physically [abusive].

The workers said that they want action to be taken against the line leader who is forced to speak rudely in the workplace.

"Lita Daw from sewing department line 17 always shouts when she comes to work. It's not good. It's not good. She hits backs and throws clothes. People in her line always leave crying....," said a worker of the factory.

It is reported that the factory officials have not taken any action against the workers who were treated harshly while forcing them to work and the morale of the workers was degraded.

"There is a union in the factory. Because the union is an employer's union, the sisters can't rely on it. In the case of the employer's union, you have to add 200 membership fees to join the union."

The factory is owned by Chinese nationals and the factory used to sew ZARA brand clothes and the factory has about 1000 workforce.

[Translation via Google Translate]

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