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Şirketin Yanıtı

7 Eki 2016


NEC did not respond regarding joint drone development with Israel

NEC responded to the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, but declined to comment on the NAJAT report or its substance.

「弊社は、お客さまに最大の価値を提供し、社会に積極的に貢献することをコミットしています。そのコミットを果たすべく、全ての事業活動において厳格な方針・手順を適用しています。弊社は、貴団体(Business & Human Rights Resource Centre)によってウェブサイトで提供される知見に敬意を払っており、貴団体をはじめ各団体から公開される関連情報を注意深く考慮しておりますが、個々の研究プロジェクトに関するコメントは控えさせていただきたく、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

 NEC Corporation is committed to serving the best interests of its customers and contributing positively to society. To support this commitment, the company applies strict internal policies and control procedures while conducting all of its business activities. We appreciate the intelligence provided on the website of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, and we consider carefully the information that is published through this resource as well as other sources, however, it is our company policy to not comment on our research projects in general 

NEC şuna yanıt vermedi

Japan: Reported joint drone development with Israel

Hikâye 8 Eki 2016

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