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26 Haz 2020

Netherlands: Six political parties submit bill on mandatory due diligence to parliament

In March 2020, the Christian Union (CU) presented an outline for a broad due diligence law, and in June 2020, four political parties led by CU submitted an initiative note for mandatory due diligence legislation. In March 2021, the Bill for Responsible and Sustainable International Business Conduct proposal was officially submitted to Parliament. In December 2021, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development announced in Parliament that the Government will begin working on developing national binding mHREDD legislation.

In November 2022, six political parties (re-)submitted the draft due diligence bill to the Dutch Parliament, following a review of the first draft by the constitutional advisory council. NGOs have welcomed the ambitious proposal.

More information is available below. See here for information on the Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Act.

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