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24 Eyl 2018

NGO coalition files OECD complaint with Italian NCP against auditor RINA for allegedly failing to detect safety & labour abuses at Ali Enterprises factory in Pakistan; incl. co response

On 11 September 2018, on the six year anniversary of the fire at the Ali Enterprises textile factory in Karachi, Pakistan, which claimed over 250 lives and left dozens more injured, ECCHR together with an international coalition of seven other human rights, labour and consumer organizations filed a complaint to the OECD National Contact Point (NCP) at the Ministry for Economic Development in Rome against the Italian auditor RINA Services S.p.A.. The complaint alleges RINA and its subcontractor failed to detect and act upon safety and labour abuses at the factory it certified for abiding to international labour standards only three weeks before the fire broke out. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited RINA to comment on the press release annoucing the claim was filed. Their response is available below.

For our coverage of the ongoing lawsuit against KiK, the factory's main customer, see here.

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