[PDF] RE: Amnesty International’s response to LOCOG’s letter dated 23 November 2011 concerning ...
We appreciate the admission by the London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) that the 1984 Bhopal disaster was a human tragedy, that 27 years later still requires satisfactory resolution and that there are outstanding issues related to the tragedy, including with regards to site remediation. However, we dispute LOCOG’s understanding that these outstanding issues do not concern Dow. We deeply regret that the decision-making process followed by LOCOG in considering a contract with Dow failed to consult with and provide an opportunity to Bhopal victims and survivors, as well as civil society groups, not least because of the negative public messaging such a deal could create and its possible repercussions on the cause of Bhopal victims and survivors. [also refers to Union Carbide (part of Dow)] [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Dow Chemcal to respond, but it declined to do so]