[PDF] Remarks for ICJ [Intl. Commission of Jurists] Access to Justice Workshop
I have been asked to sketch out the contours of my UN mandate and how access to judicial remedy fits within it... [S]ignificant barriers to accessing effective judicial remedy persist. My mandate is focused on identifying legal and practical barriers that are particularly salient for victims of corporate-related human rights abuses, and on strategies to reduce them... [We] are far from a systemic solution to ensuring access to judicial remedy for individuals and communities affected by corporate-related abuse. A systemic approach needs to include greater enforcement of existing laws, clearer as well as sensible standards, and more innovative policy responses by both home and host states. In this vein, the ICJ’s project on access to judicial remedy can make an important contribution to clarifying the current state of law and practice, identifying trends and emerging standards, highlighting gaps that demand action, and suggesting ways to close those gaps. [refers to Talisman litigation re Sudan]