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Bu sayfa Türkçe dilinde mevcut değildir ve şu an English dilinde görüntülenmektedir


4 Oca 2022

Nina Berglund, News in English (Norway)

Qatar: Norwegian news editors & association accuse authorities of "sabotaging" journalism after equipment, interview recordings & photos were deleted

"Qatar 'sabotaged' Norwegian media," 20 Dec 2021

Norway’s national editors’ and press association has accused authoritarian officials in Qatar of sabotaging the work carried out by a TV crew from state broadcaster NRK...

When they finally got some of it back late last week after Norway’s embassy intervened, photos and interviews they’d done with the head of Qatar’s World Cup project and the International Labour Organization (ILO) had been deleted...

Qatar’s officials have claimed the NRK ventured into “private” areas where they weren’t allowed. That doesn’t explain, however, why the interview with the World Cup boss was deleted. They’ve also claimed that no journalists who “respect Qatar’s laws” have been arrested.

NRK sought comment on the alleged sabotage from the international football federation FIFA, which controversially allowed Qatar to host next year’s World Cup, but there was no immediate response. FIFA officials earlier refused to express any concern for the Norwegian journalists’ treatment in Qatar, sparking even more criticism from Norway’s broadcasting chief and head of NRK, Thor Gjermund Eriksen.

That’s pure sabotage of journalism and of those who were on assignment. It means that journalists traveling to Qatar risk being arrested and having their material destroyed. It’s an attack on the free press and, with that, democratic institutions.
Arne Jensen, secretary general of Norsk Redaktørforening,

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