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Bu sayfa Türkçe dilinde mevcut değildir ve şu an English dilinde görüntülenmektedir


2 Haz 2021

Areeb Ullah, Middle East Eye

Qatar releases Kenyan rights activist after three weeks in solitary confinement

Photo: Ahmed_Abdel_Hamid, Getty Images via Canva Pro

Qatari authorities released a Kenyan security guard on Wednesday who was arrested after blogging about the plight of migrant workers, a human rights group has said.

Migrant Rights said in a statement that Malcolm Bidali, who was forcibly disappeared last month, had been "released from custody but the charges against him remain".

Last week, Qatar charged Bidali, 28, with taking "foreign" money to spread disinformation after holding him in solitary confinement for nearly three weeks.

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