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Şirketin Yanıtı

4 Şub 2019


Response by Antamina

The news above-mentioned refers on to requirement made by a congresswoman to the Ministry of Energy and Mines for “protect watershed heads”, mainly at Nepeña, Casma and Santa rivers, due allegations of negative environmental impacts caused by small and medium mining activities in the Ancash region…Antamina is a world-class company and fulfill high technical, environmental and social standards… Antamina is not located in Nepeña, Casma or Santa basin. Our operations are located in the province of Huari, San Marcos District (Ancash Region) more than 100 kilometers away from the mentioned basins…With no further details, the notice mentions Antamina as responsible for “mining spillage”. Hereabout we want to be clear and precise…

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