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Şirketin Yanıtı

4 Şub 2019

BHP Billiton

Response by BHP Billiton

…As indicated in the article there were unfortunately two concentrate spills, one in July 2012 caused by a failure inside a valve station and one in April 2017 caused by third party drilling to complete public road works. As you can see from Antamina´s response (attached), in both instances the company responded quickly to contain the spill, notify the community and ensure the appropriate cleanup and remediation actions were put in place. These actions ensured no water bodies were contaminated as a result of the spill and the appropriate health and environmental monitoring were conducted afterwards to fully mitigate damage or impacts…Given Antamina is an independent operator, should you require further detail on specific efforts associated with the spills, we request you direct these enquires to Antamina.

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