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Şirketin Yanıtı

4 Şub 2019


Response by Glencore

…The independently operated Antamina mine is one of the largest large copper and zinc mines in the world and is located in the Ancash region of the Andes mountain range, 270 kilometres north of Lima. Antamina mine is jointly owned by Glencore (33.75% interest), BHP (33.75%), Teck (22.5%) and Mitsubishi Corporation (10%). ..The media article referenced by the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC), refers to a request made by the Congresswoman, Maria Elena Foronda, to the Ministry of Energy and Mines to protect the watersheds of the Nepeña, Casma and Santa rivers, due allegations of negative environmental impacts from small and medium-sized mining activities in the Ancash region…The Antamina mine is not located in the Nepeña, Casma and Santa water basins. Its operations are in the province of Huari, San Marcos District in the Ancash region, a considerable distance from these basins...

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