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Şirketin Yanıtı

7 Eki 2020

Response by Hudbay

“Further explanation of the COVID-19 situation and Hudbay in Peru”, 6 October 2020

We received your September 30 email containing further allegations that Hudbay has not been adequately protecting the health of workers at the Constancia Mine in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. To be clear, we have not yet had any confirmed COVID-19 cases among workers at our operations…In June a group asserted that 21 Hudbay workers in Peru had tested positive for COVID-19. The cases they are referring to were identified as positive through a quick test but were later confirmed negative with further molecular testing. In their August article the group references a July 6th Chumbivilcas Health Services Network report saying “it is reported that 42 people have tested positive through rapid testing in the Livitaca district where the Constancia mine (Chilloroya) operates”, but the report does not attribute the cases to Constancia's mine site. The 42 positive tests raised in the report were in fact administered to incoming workers in Cusco and those workers did not travel to our site unless follow-up testing confirmed they were COVID-19 negative. The report terms the location as “Constancia” because our medical personnel administered the tests, but the tests were administered at our quarantine facilities in Cusco. Because the reports issued by the Chumbivilcas Health Services Network are inaccurate, in July 2020 we sent a letter to its Executive Director, asking for clarification on their reporting criteria (see attached copy).

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