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Şirketin Yanıtı

19 Tem 2019

Big W, Woolworths

Response by Woolworths

  ...We can confirm we have no ​factories located in Xinjiang, China and have not received any complaints against our suppliers. ​We are aware, however, that some of the cotton sourced via our suppliers is likely to be from this region and we are conducting further due diligence.  

Currently, we do not have full visibility of the cotton supply chain however we are working to improve traceability and transparency in key high risk commodity areas, like cotton, through our Responsible Sourcing Program in the next 12 months.

Where there are systemic challenges identified, we will work with industry to find a solution to better leverage change. We recognise our role as a responsible retailer and will  continue to work hard to make further improvements in this space. 

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