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Şirketin Yanıtı

22 Haz 2020

Alamos Gold

Response from Alamos Gold

...The removal of protestors is inextricably linked to a series of government decisions made to combat the aggressive spread of COVID-19 between April and June 2020. Alamos Gold was not privy to such government decisions. Further, we had no involvement or notice of any subsequent related government action, including specifically at our project site. As you are no doubt aware, there has been civil society protest with respect to this project, all of which has been undertaken peacefully and without violence. Our observation is that this was no different...We have received significant support from local communities after ongoing multi-year consultation on the project...we would like to reiterate our request to esablish a joint monitorign committee with government and non-government experts which is based on the principle of transparency...We would welcome dialogue with the civil society actors that have brought forth complaints that our contribution to the global fight against the spread of COVID-19, including in the communities in which we operate, should somehow be viewed in negative light because it may "embellish" our reputation...

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