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Şirketin Yanıtı

23 Haz 2020

Anglo American

Response from Anglo American

...This document addresses matters raised in relation to Anglo American's operations in Brazil and Peru, as well as our overall approach to human rights and response to COVID-19...Our approach to Covid-19 is structured in three concurrent phases: Prevent – Respond – Recover...each operation has designed and is implementing a context- specific Community Response Plan (CRP) to support host communities...In the Voices from the Ground Report a claim is made that we continued to operate at our Minas Rio mine in Conceição do Mato Dentro...The municipal decree issued by Conceição do Mato Dentro's City Hall prohibits the operation of shopping centres, shops, nightclubs, cinemas, clubs, gyms, among other economic activities, but does not cite mining activities...We have implemented extensive prevention measures, are rolling out a testing programme for all our workforce and maintaining regular contact with local authorities...In December 2017, the National Police of Peru (NPP) and Anglo American Peru signed an agreement to cooperate...In August 2019, Anglo American Peru signed an addendum for further cooperation. As expressly required by us, an appendix was added to this agreement stating that, prior to deployment to site, police personnel shall be informed about our adherence to the VPs, as well as company-specific ethical behaviour guidelines through the Group's Code of Conduct...

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