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Şirketin Yanıtı

23 Haz 2020

Imperial Oil

Response from Imperial Oil

There is nothing more important to us than the safety and health of our workforce and our communities. This remains Imperial’s priority as we continue to take actions to prevent further spread of COVID-19. There have not been any new cases associated with our Kearl operation since mid-May and the outbreak designation by Alberta Health Services has now ended... We will continue to adhere to strict preventative measures and safeguards at site...As part of these efforts, we made COVID-19 testing available to all employees and contractors onsite at Kearl regardless of whether they are showing any symptoms.

... We recognize there are questions about the workers at Kearl who travel to and from other provinces. For privacy reasons, we do not disclose these workers locations. We do continue to remind workers to follow all public health guidance and do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In April, we changed our shift rotation to ensure workers returning to their home provinces can follow self-isolation requirements where required.

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