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14 May 2021

Pete Pattisson, The Guardian (UK)

Rights group fear for migrant activist ‘disappeared’ in Qatar

A Kenyan security guard in Qatar who has written about the plight of migrant workers has been “forcibly disappeared”, human rights group say...

Bidali... began to write about the treatment of migrant workers in the World Cup host country last year.

His articles, written under the pseudonym “Noah”, give an intimate insight into the working and living conditions of some low-wage migrants in the Gulf state. Bidali described overcrowded dormitories, confiscated passports, the lack of privacy and his unsuccessful attempts to seek better treatment.

Days before his arrest, Bidali had spoken about his life in Qatar to a group of civil society organisations and trade unions...

In recent weeks, security guards have organised a number of protests in Qatar over pay and conditions. In a video on social media, scores of workers can be seen chanting: “No money, no work.”

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