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13 May 2021

Lisa Barrington, Thomson Reuters Foundation

Rights groups ask Qatar to disclose whereabouts of migrant rights commentator

A group of rights groups including Amnesty International asked Qatar on Thursday to disclose the whereabouts of a Kenyan man who has written about migrant rights in the Gulf state and who was detained last week...

[Malcolm Bidali] was taken from his accommodation on the night of May 4 for questioning by the state security service...

Qatar's human rights record has been in the spotlight as it prepares to host the 2022 soccer World Cup, especially over migrants' living and working conditions. Doha has introduced labour reforms that aimed to address some concerns.

A Qatari government official... said a Kenyan national was taken into custody on May 5 and placed under investigation for violating Qatar's security laws and regulations.

"The individual retains all his rights under the law. All procedures of the investigation are being carried out in accordance with Qatari law," said the official

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