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8 Mar 2022

The Japan Times

Polish footballer Robert Lewandowski drops Huawei sponsorship amid claims firm has been helping Russia

Robert Lewandowski drops sponsor Huawei amid Ukraine crisis, 8 March 2022

Bayern Munich’s Polish international striker Robert Lewandowski has cut ties with sponsor Huawei amid claims the Chinese tech giant has been helping Russia secure their network against cyber attacks following the invasion of Ukraine.

“We have taken the decision today to end the marketing cooperation between Robert Lewandowski and the Huawei brand,” the footballer’s agent Tomasz Zawislak said in a statement, without specifying the reason for the break. "Therefore the implementation of all promotional services has been suspended on our part,” Zawislak added.

According to Polish media, the decision is linked to an article in the British daily Daily Mail accusing Huawei of having helped Russia secure its internet against attacks by pro-Ukrainian hackers. The Chinese group confirmed the end of their partnership with Lewandowski in a very brief statement...

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